The Gift of Queerness Schedule
This is a working schedule to help give you a sense of the flow for the retreat. It is subject to change, start and end times, including optional times will be similar to as posted.
Updated June 16, 2022
Note that this schedule is for Pacific Daylight Time, so please re-calculate it for your time zone.
A PDF for your convenience.
Friday, June 24, 2022 6 pm – 8:30 pm PDT
Attendance is via Zoom for everyone on Friday.
06:00pm: Welcoming and Opening the Space
06:30pm Introduction to the Practice and Orientation
07:15pm Introducing Queer Bodhissattva Practice
08:00 pm Close for the Night
Saturday, June 25, 2022 7:00 am – 6:00 pm PDT
07:00 am Sitting with Introduction to Meditation (optional)
09:00 PDT Welcoming and Opening the Space
09:30 Meditation with Introduction to the Practice
10:00 Queer Bodhissattva Practice
10:25 – 10:35 Break
10:40 Dharma Talk w/ Jo-ann on calming and stretching – body/mind science
11:40 Walk with pre-assigned walk homework
12:00 pm Mindful Lunch
01:15 pm Total Relaxation and Mindful Movement
02:00 Youth & Elders sharing on “ethics in our lives” practicing with the Five Mindfulness Trainings
03 30 Dharma Sharing
04:30 Space to Connect (optional)
05:30 Meditation and Closing for the Night
Sunday, June 26, 2022 7:00 am – 3:30 pm PDT
07:00 am Sitting with Introduction (optional)
08:00 Orientation for new arrivals online
09:00 Welcoming and Re-opening Space
09:30 Meditation
10:00 Dharma Talk – Being Queer Together: a Council of Elders and Youth and the Queer Bodhissattva Project, A Way Forward with Bk
11:00 Five Mindfulness Trainings Ceremony (All-Queer) incorporating Queer Bodhissattva Practice
12:15 pm Lunch
01:15 Total Relaxation and Mindful Movement
02:00 Dharma Sharing
03:00 Close Retreat