Five Mindfulness Trainings Ceremony
APRIL 19, 2025
MCPS will offer a 5 Mindfulness Training (MTs) ceremony on Saturday morning, April 19, 2025 during the Day of Mindfulness. It will be conducted by the sangha attending the Day of Mindfulness and supported by Dharma Teacher Brian Kimmel. The Sunday, March 16th Day of Mindfulness will focus on the 5 MTs and include a panel of people who have taken them in the past and share how they have impacted their lives.
Receiving the 5 MTs can be an opportunity to solidify your aspirations for 2025. It is also a way to join the many people following the Thich Nhat Hanh Plum Village tradition who work to manifest a global ethic that can bring more harmony and peace to our world. The 5 MT ceremony will be offered virtually (add link) and in person. Please put in your application as early as possible if you want to take the 5 MTs and all applications must be in by April 1, 2025. Family members and friends can support those taking the 5 MTs virtually. An application to take the 5 MTs and affirm the ARISE gatha and a short description of the ceremony can be found on the MCPS website. All constituent groups of MCPS will be encouraged to study and discuss the 5 MTs and the ARISE gatha in the months before the ceremony.
Link to Application: Application to Receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings